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The net vulnerability-resilience index (NVRI) aims to assess the vulnerability-versus-resilience status of any country by integrating sustainability variables. The NVRI integrates five dimensions (economics, governance, environmental, social, peripherality) determined by 43 variables. It aggregates different datasets sourced from the World Bank (World Development Index and World Governance Index), the United Nations, the International Environmental Agreements Database, and the International Disaster Database (EM-DAT).

The aggregation and normalization procedures used in this work were produced by Valérie Angeon (INRA URZ UR 143) and Samuel Bates (Université Paris Dauphine, PSL Research University) under the GAIA-TROP project (ANR-12-AGRO-0009-05) funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR). The website makes these results available for an analysis of any type of country (Most Developed Countries, Average Developed Countries, Least Developed Countries, Small Island Developing States). The NVRI data covers 95 countries for the 2000–2009 period. The NVRI applied on this worldwide sample emerges four states of vulnerability-resilience: uncontrolled vulnerability, contained vulnerability, unstable resilience, stable resilience.

To use results provided by this site, please cite:

Bates S., Angeon V., Ainouche A., 2014. ”The pentagon of vulnerability and resilience: A methodological proposal in development economics by using graph theory”. Economic Modelling, 42, 445–453.

Angeon V., Bates S., 2015. ”Reviewing composite vulnerability and resilience indexes: A sustainable approach and application”, World Development, 72, 140–162.